Skills for Work
Website: address: Number:
01274 433648

Skills for Work supports individuals looking to improve or gain skills to succeed in the workplace. It also helps employers who have specific training requirements and to up-skill current staff.
They support individuals through a comprehensive range of adult skills courses including functional maths and English, and English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL). Their family learning courses such as employability, family first aid and child development offers learners the opportunity to gain valuable life skills.
Skills for Work support for businesses includes courses to up-skill new and established staff, as well as delivering Apprenticeship courses. All support is tailored to meet specific business needs.
The team is regularly monitored by external agencies such as Ofsted, having most recently been awarded Good, and staff members are Matrix-accredited in their information, advice and guidance support.
For more information on any of the above, please get in touch.
Starting this year (2023), we will produce an annual Accountability Statement in which we will set out how Skills for Work is meeting the skills needs of the district, and how our work links to the Local Skills Improvement Plan priorities.
- The Statement is a new requirement from 23/24 for all FE Colleges, 6th form colleges. Local Authorities (LA) who deliver adult skills
- It demonstrates how our work:
- Focuses on the skills needed to get a good job
- Has a clear focus on impact and job outcomes
Find the Statement HERE
Discover the range of courses Skills for Work has to offer by viewing their online prospectus
All of the Skills for Work Policies can be found HERE