Three young men in overalls underneath a car, with an older man pointing out bits of the car exhaust

Learner. How can we help?

SkillsHouse offers support to learners of all ages across the District.

Do you need help to choose a course?  Do you need advice on different pathways?  Are you a parent/carer and want to support a young person? We have fully qualified advisers who can support you to make decisions, discover what options are available and to make plans for the future.

See the sections below for more information and get in touch if you need any help.

Contact Us


  • Choices at 16

    There are lots of options open to you once you have finished your GCSEs, from further education to apprenticeships. Click here to find out more information.

  • Choices over 18

    There's a wide range of options open to you once you are over 18. Although you don't have to continue in education, you may choose to go to university. Or you might want to get a job or apprenticeship. Click here for more information

  • GCSE Information

    Find out about what GCSE options there are, what subjects you have to take and what other subjects are available

  • Explore Career Options

    When considering a future career, there are many different pathways you could take. Find information on 15 different pathways here.

  • Parents/Carers

    The information in these Learner pages should give you all the information you need to offer your support to the young person in your care. If you need anything further, please get in touch.

  • Skills Assessments

    To enable you to make decisions about your future, it's useful to know what level you're currently at. Find out about Skills Assessments and where you can take them.

  • SEND Local Offer

    There is lots of information and support available for children and young people aged 0-25 with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND) and their families. See here for more details

Training Opportunities

Find out details of training opportunities available in the District

View all Training
  • Skills Booster Courses

    Employability Workshop

    Skills Booster Free Courses! Develop key transferable skills that are greatly desired by employers. 
    Boost your CV by completing a series of fun activities and puzzles to build your numeracy skills. 


  • Bradford Crown Court’s SPRUCE (Student Pre-University Court Exposure) course began in 2015 within two years the course’s popularity meant that neither the building nor the organisers were sufficient for the course.

    Beginning in 2017, the Xperience team worked tirelessly to enable a much-expanded course to take place. Arranging for the course to be held in the Council Chamber at City Hall with space, access to technology and the use of the old Crown Court, meant that students would be comfortable at all times. Behind the scenes, Xperience ensured that every school and college in the area would be aware of this course for Year 12 students and that students attending would have this recognised, by the issuing of certificates and since 2023, digital badges.

    SPRUCE would have possibly failed had it not been for the immense support we receive from Xperience. Instead, it is a thriving course attracting nearly 100 students and it is respected by those in the legal and educational systems and envied (and now emulated) by other cities.

    Judge Rose