Bradford Entrepreneur Spring Programme


Project ReMake






8 Weeks


Project ReMake

In a joint venture between Project Remake, Capita plc, The University of Bradford and British Libraries we are offering 12 placements for formally incarcerated people on our spring entrepreneurship course starting 24th May 2023. Following successful completion of the programme, there is also an opportunity for course graduates to undertake a 12-week paid work placement at Capita plc.

Course Duration
The course runs for one evening a week, on Wednesdays 6:30-8:30, over eight weeks. There is also a weekly session with the business mentor and advisors to work alongside the main course (date/time TBC).

Course Provider
Project ReMake 

The course is online via Zoom 

Study Mode

Entry Requirements 
We would like formerly incarcerated people to apply for places on the course and are keen to attract people who have a business idea or some idea of self-employment or training that they would like to pursue.

In the first instance, those applying will need to fill in a simple application form and a declaration form. A short ‘elevator pitch’ task will also need to be completed prior to starting the course.

Please note as we work in schools and businesses, we are unable to accept applicants with unspent convictions related to arson or terrorism, or with sexual offences.

A 12-week work placement with Capita with a potential opportunity to pitch your business idea to a Dragon’s Den style panel

Course Description
Project ReMAKE is a charity that works with formerly incarcerated people to support them with positive reintegration into society by teaching them entrepreneurial skills, networking them with business leaders, and offering them paid work placements. More information on the work of the organisation can be found at our website

In a joint venture between Project Remake, Capita plc, The University of Bradford and British Libraries we are offering 15 placements on our spring entrepreneurship course starting 24th May 2023.

Participants will need a laptop or an iPad. In the event that they do not have one we would ask that their charity may consider loaning them a device or failing that please let us know.

Course Content:

  • Introductions to the Faculty, Entrepreneurs and Mentors
  • Entrepreneur’s background, Team and Intellectual Property
  • Product, Unique Selling Point, SWOT and Lean Start Up
  • Customers
  • Marketing
  • Cost, Cashflows & Sources of Finance
  • Prepare your pitch
  • Pitch your business
  • Graduation - Bradford University
  • Presentation to potential investors – Date to be confirmed

Key Dates:
Graduation: 19/07/2023

To go forward to the work placements at Capita plc and the Dragon’s Den presentation, there must be 100% attendance and full engagement with homework by Entrepreneurs.

The graduation and Dragon’s Den are in person and both are optional.


Please fill out the details below to enquire.

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