Prep-4-Work - Bradford College


Bradford College




Employability Workshop


Bradford College

19+ Employability Personal & Social Development Programme 

Personal Social Development Award/Certification accreditation supports your growing independance in preparation for adulthood. You will build a portfolio of work including photos and witness statements from your workplace and Life Skills activities which evidence your learning and skills. 

Units include: 

  • Job readiness and post school options 
  • Further education and training pathways 
  • Moving out of home, catching transport
  • Money and budgeting 
  • Community activities, leisure and recreation
  • Personal hygiene and grooming 
  • Relationships and dating
  • Social media
  • Staying safe

You will also learn how to

  • Identify strengths and abilities 
  • Identify goals and pathways 
  • Develop new friendships 
  • Learn about healthy relationships 
  • Increase self esteem 
  • Increase social awareness 
  • Enhance sense of identity 
  • Develop independent living skills 
  • Develop positive social skills

Prep-4-Work will have an in depth focus on employment skills, literacy and numeracy assessments, further training pathways and employment providers, with talks from industry professionals. 


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