Shaping Futures (Ages 17-25)


YMCA Bradford






YMCA Bradford

Shaping Futures is a free programme for 17 to 25 years olds who want to take a first step into employment, education or training but first need to gain some skills and confidence.

Participants will work together to plan, organise and carry out a practical project, supported by experienced staff.

Our programme will provide opportunities to: 

  • Develop confidence
  • Experience working as part of a team and individually
  • Experience the outdoors and learn about the environment
  • Make new friends
  • Work towards a qualification
  • Think about and plan what to do next

To be eligible young people need to:

  • Be NEET (not in education, employment or training)
  • Be aged 17-25
  • Be available on Tuesday daytime
  • Be willing to commit to attend every week for 12 weeks
  • Have a reasonable chance of progressing into employment or a training opportunity
  • Be able to undertake work outdoors in all weathers

To apply for a place, please follow this link and complete the form

Location: Culture Fusion, 125 Thornton Road, Bradford and various green spaces.

Course Duration: Participants will attend 12 weekly sessions each Tuesday


Please fill out the details below to enquire.

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