
Another Successful Apprenticeships Unlocked Event!

On Tuesday 11th February, Victoria Hall in Saltaire once again welcomed companies and training providers, inviting them to talk to young people, teachers and parents & carers about all things Apprenticeships.

Local training providers Shipley College, Bradford College, Keighley College and Skills for Work were joined by companies including West Yorkshire Police, RAF, British Army, Morrisons, Solenis, NHS, Northern Rail, Network Rail, and GXO, who were all eager to talk to young people about what apprenticeships are, what are available and the benefits of undertaking one.

SkillsHouse Advisers were also in attendance to provide support to any attendees who needed guidance or more information.

Over 500 people attended, 21 companies and partner colleges and 6 schools, double the number from last year, making a very successful event!

Katie Thomas from Morrisons said "Thank you for having us, we really enjoyed the event and it was great to speak to the students about the opportunities we have at Morrisons. I thought the event was great, students were engaging and interested about finding out about all the opportunities out there!

Over 100 of the young people who attended were issued a digital badge for engaging with the experience - to learn more about the benefits of digital badges and what they are, go to Building Skills