• A group of Kickstarters cutting a cake that reads best wishes
  • SkillsHouse employee presenting a slideshow to a room of people
  • Crowd of people in room watching a presentation
  • A group of young people, one is cutting a celebration cake

Celebrating Kickstart Success

Almost 800 young people have now accessed the Kickstart scheme through Bradford Council's SkillsHouse team!

The scheme, part of the Council’s Future Boost commitment, has placed around 400 young people in paid work placements within the Council and a further 350 with local employers. The scheme is a partnership with SkillsHouse and the Department for Work and Pensions. Placements have ranged from the Council, education providers, the NHS, food industry, hospitality, the voluntary sector and a range of small independent businesses. There are more young people in Bradford due to start their Kickstart placements soon!

The scheme has allowed young people across the district to gain valuable experience in the workplace and their contribution to the work of the council has been greatly appreciated. An event was held to celebrate the first cohort’s hard work and achievements (pictured).

SkillsHouse are pleased to say that we have now recruited two of our Kickstart placements, who completed their 6 months with us. They have now started their Level 3 Business Apprenticeships!