
Kickstart Awards 2022

Launched by the Government in September 2020, the scheme aimed to link young people to quality job placements and improve their prospects of securing long-term employment. Over the course of the scheme, over 800 young people were successfully placed across the Bradford District with support from SkillsHouse, the Department for Work and Pensions as well as 150 local businesses who took on young people.

At an awards ceremony hosted by SkillsHouse, 11 young people were awarded for their outstanding contribution as nominated by their employer, with special recognition for 2 local employers for their work in supporting young people on the scheme.

The scheme has been a success nationally with 7 out of 10 young people in employment 4 months after leaving the scheme, and provided them with invaluable experience as they progress further in the world of work.

Rising Star Award:

Lucy Cooks – Avensis Support Ltd

Aisha Anwar – Bradford Council (Children’s Services Low Incidence Team)


Showcase Innovation and Initiative:

Adib Syed – Shipley College

Hasan Patchett – Bradford Museums and Galleries


Outstanding Contribution:

Awais Hussain – Bradford Teaching Hospital

Harry Dyson – Bradford Museums and Galleries


Most Impact on the Business:

Savannah Tiler – Aireworth Properties Ltd

Khalid Almawas – Bradford Museums and Galleries


Gone the Extra Mile:

Haider Mahboob – Kala Sangam

Mohammed Taj – Skills for Work


Kickstarter of the Scheme:

Eden Parker – Unbranded Digital


Business Special Recognition:

Bradford Museum and Galleries

Aireworth Properties Ltd


Councillor Imran Khan, Bradford Council’s portfolio holder for Education, Employment and Skills, said: 

“This award ceremony was a fantastic opportunity to showcase the real positive impact the Kickstart Scheme has had on young people and businesses across the district.

“I would like to personally congratulate everyone who was nominated, the winners and everyone who took the time to nominate. It is great to be able to celebrate everyone’s successes.

“Our young people in the district were among the hardest hit by the pandemic and we are so proud to have supported over 800 young people through the scheme with the council taking on 440 of them. It’s great to see the opportunities Kickstart has given them and this wouldn’t have been possible without the support of our partners and local businesses.”

SkillsHouse is here for anyone across the Bradford District who is looking for support to get into employment or develop your skills. For more information or to access help or advice, please contact SkillsHouse on 01274 437373, email skillshouse@bradford.gov.uk or visit www.skillshouse.co.uk