
Nominations Open for the 2023 SkillsHouse Careers & Technical Education Awards!

Do you know a young person who has had a really great year and deserves to be recognised for the skills they have developed?  Have they made huge headway in their learning, or shown particular commitment to personal development?  Or maybe a teacher, lecturer or business has gone the extra mile when creating opportunities for young people.

By nominating them for a SkillsHouse CTE award, this will show them that their achievements haven’t gone unnoticed. The stand out nominations will even be invited to the awards ceremony on Tuesday 4th July 2023, where they might scoop a prestigious award!

Aruba, a previous winner from New College Bradford said:

“The whole ceremony was just a great community feeling.  Everyone who came, staff from the college who came with me, it was great to be recognised for all the efforts we’d been making.  And hearing from the other local students, how well they’re doing, it was great”.

Working with both schools and employers, SkillsHouse CTE provide meaningful information about skills, job sectors and associated activities, which leads to a greater understanding of the District’s career and employment needs and in turn, more focused career planning. 

Now in their fourth year, the awards aim to celebrate young people’s engagement, growth and their achievements in learning, but also the educators and businesses who have been vital in encouraging them along the way.

The deadline to make your nomination is Friday 28 April 2023. This year’s award categories are:

  • Learner of the Year. Essential Skills
  • Learner of the Year. Industry Sector Award
  • Primary Awards
  • Clean Growth Champions
  • Educator of the Year
  • Outstanding Business Contribution
  • Work Experience Awards

For more details of the categories and the nomination form, please visit: www.bit.ly/CTEAwards2023

Councillor Imran Khan, Bradford Council’s portfolio holder for Education, Employment and Skills, said: 

“The SkillsHouse Careers & technical Education Awards are an excellent opportunity to come together to celebrate the achievements of our young people from across the district and to thank all those who are supporting them.

“After the success of the 2022 ceremony, we are looking forward to an even bigger celebration next year, where we can hear inspiring stories about the development, progression and success of our young people”

SkillsHouse Careers & Technical Education is part of the wider SkillsHouse team, Bradford Councils Employment and Skills service. To find out more and get involved, contact: BradfordCTE@bradford.gov.uk