Skillsometer can help you discover what jobs you might like to do in the future. You will be presented with a series of statements. Select the emoji that shows how you feel about each statement.

You will be given suggestions of jobs linked to what you most enjoy doing, then you can go on to research each one to see if they interest you.

Skillsometer. Check out jobs which can be linked to your skills and interests.



Alison: Empower Yourself

Alison: Empower Yourself aim to harness technology to make all education and skills training available to anyone, anywhere for free”. Why not try this training course which teaches you the basics of customer service.

More Information about Alison: Empower Yourself



Arriva Careers information including opportunities to develop and progress

More Information about Arriva



BASE - British Army Jobs

One-stop shop to support teachers and career development services.

More Information about BASE - British Army Jobs