STEM Learning
Gatsby Benchmark
1. A stable careers programme 3. Addressing the need of each student 4. Linking curriculum learning to careers 8. Personal guidanceLocation
NationalA free-to-access website which offers advice and resources (lesson plans and quick-fire activities ) to support the work of teachers in bringing STEM careers to life for their students.
For more information, visit HERE
Alison: Empower Yourself
Alison: Empower Yourself aim to harness technology to make all education and skills training available to anyone, anywhere for free”. Why not try this training course which teaches you the basics of customer service.
More Information about Alison: Empower YourselfLearner
BASE - British Army Jobs
One-stop shop to support teachers and career development services.
More Information about BASE - British Army JobsLearner
British Heart Foundation
Learn how to do CPR with this step-by-step guide.
More Information about British Heart Foundation