The Wonderful World of STEM - Poster Competition


SkillsHouse Careers & Technical Education


Bradford District


SkillsHouse Careers & Technical Education

The ‘Wonderful World of STEM’ poster competition is open to all primary schools in the Bradford District. There will be one KS1 and one KS2 winner selected in each Bradford constituency.

The winners will have their posters commercially printed and distributed across all primary schools in the district!

The prize for the competition is a half day whole school stem workshop and 6 virtual stem project workshops with local women in stem for the 10 winning schools.

How to take part:

  1. Get creative! Ask your students or child to draw, paint or collage an inspirational women who
    works in a Science, Technology, Engineering or Maths related job role.
  2. Scan or take a photo of their masterpiece and email it to stating
    the child's name, year group and name of the school before the 25 November.
  3. Take a look at some of the entries so far for inspiration!