SkillsHouse Careers & Technical Education Awards 2025


SkillsHouse Careers & Technical Education






SkillsHouse Careers & Technical Education

Nominations are now open for the SkillsHouse Careers & Technical Education (CTE) Awards 2025!

The annual awards celebrate the achievements, commitment and progress of all Bradford District's young people and the educators and businesses who support them, the awards ceremony is the ideal time to come together to hear inspiring stories from the nominees.

Nominations close on Sunday 11th May 2025 - click here to access the nomination form.

If you have any queries or need help, please contact us:

We are inviting Secondary, Post-16 educators and any organisation offering Youth & Training Provisions for learners up to 19 years old or 25 years old with an EHCP across the Bradford District to nominate.

You can nominate learners within the CTE sector board categories:

  • Advanced Manufacturing and Engineering
  • Built Environment (including Architecture & Construction)
  • Business Management (including Finance, Marketing Sales & Service)
  • Computing, Science, and Environmental Technologies (including Agriculture, Environmental, Animal Care, Information Technology & Digital Services)
  • Creative Industries
  • Health and Social Care (including Adult & Child Services, Health Science & Medical Services)
  • Hospitality, Tourism and Sport
  • Public Services and Law (including Education & Training)
  • Transport, Distribution and Logistics

This year we have incorporated the Essential Skills into the Industry Sector Award, (you can choose 1 only and state which one in your answer): 

  • Collaboration: articulates ideas effectively, works well in diverse teams with success
  • Leadership & Responsibility: inspires others, sets a good example, acts responsibly.
  • Creativity and Innovation: creates new ideas, is original and inventive, is not afraid of failure
  • Critical Thinking and Problem Solving: uses reasoning, solves problems to achieve a goal.
  • Productivity and Accountability: shows focus, attention, completes task with limited adult guidance.
  • Social and Cross-Cultural skills: shows empathy, conducts themselves professionally.
  • Flexibility and Adaptability: handles transition well, adapts to a new environment, shows resilience.
  • Initiative and Self-Direction: sets their own goals, uses their time effectively, committed to learning

We have a scoring criteria which all learners will be scored against. Please see below some guidelines to help you provide evidence for the learner (without these details we will be unable to process the nominations further and provide equitable scoring):

  • Describe how the learner has progressed towards the chosen Industry Sector and how they plan to have a career in this industry.
  • Describe the type of career related/industry activity the learner has taken part in and how this has enhanced their learning and career readiness.
  • How have they developed/improved an essential skill.
  • Provide examples of any progress the individual has made and this may include any progression inside and/or outside of an education or training setting.

Click here to access the nomination form

The CTE Primary Awards celebrate the achievements of KS1 and KS2 pupils in their careers related learning and development of essential skills. There are five exciting award categories outlined below. Please consider the criteria when providing evidence for your nomination.

Most Career Focused Student

  • Demonstrates understanding of different Kinds of work and career sectors
  • Understands about diversity and gender stereo-types within specific career sectors
  • Demonstrates knowledge in specific career sectors of interest
  • Understand what it is to be a good worker
  • Are able to research specific career sectors through use of career tools online, books, information leaflets


  • Has provided leadership in school, by way of school council, leading a working group(s), enterprise challenges leading a team etc.
  • Represents fellow students voice, with sensitivity and understanding
  • Demonstrates good listening skills and interpersonal skills
  • Understands about fairness and equality
  • Confident and demonstrates resilience

The Resolver

  • Demonstrates in own learning, strategies and techniques used to resolve a problem (analytical, arguments, data, reflection)
  • Able to interpret information and draw own conclusions
  • Is able to ask pertinent questions and gain clarification
  • Able to use conventional and innovative ways to solve problems

Shining Star

  • Able to demonstrate creativity in all areas of learning
  • Considers new and innovate ways to complete tasks and make improvements
  • Demonstrates enterprising behaviours
  • Able to express thoughts and feelings in different ways

Team Player

  • Genuinely committed to working as a team, enabling team tasks to be completed
  • Demonstrates good communication and collaborative behaviours within a team
  • Supports and respects others and is always willing to help others
  • Never hides in the shadows, always willing to help the NHS or other charitable organisation

Click here to access the nomination form

We are inviting education, youth/training providers and businesses across Bradford District to nominate learners who they believe have shown outstanding commitment to developing their understanding of sustainability.

Sustainability refers to our ability to maintain/sustain a healthy economy, society and environment over time.
We will be presenting an award to learner(s) who have demonstrated initiative in learning, raising awareness, or working on a project in relation to the key factors of Sustainability (Eliminate Waste, Recycle, Recover Energy, Save Time, Reduce or Eliminate Pollution, Sustainable Communities). This could be in the form of a group project or an individual idea that is taking shape which supports long-term sustainability.

This award is open to for KS1 students through to KS5.

You are able to select up to a maximum of three sustainability factors you are nominating against before explaining why you have nominated them:

  • Eliminate Waste - Learner(s) reduced the amounts of waste generated by changing the design, manufacture, purchase, or use of materials or products.
  • Recycle - Learner(s) kept the environment clean for people and wildlife, reduced waste sent to landfills, reduced energy usage and minimised the environmental impact of producing new products by incorporating existing materials that can be reused and repurposed.
  • Recover Energy/Save time - Learner(s) have made a product using energy recovered from material, or energy which would otherwise have been disposed of as waste but has been collected through managed processes. Learner(s) have preserved human energy by reducing carbon footprint e.g. walking/cycling to educational institution, contributing ideas to create a smarter city.
  • Eliminate pollution - Learner(s) have created an idea to reduce waste by choosing products and materials that are less toxic or can easily be reused or recycled. This can include community waste projects.
  • Sustainable Communities - Learner(s) have made a significant contribution to improving own awareness and raising awareness in the communities. Developed an innovation/solved a problem which addresses the following: Improving health and wellbeing, reducing inequalities, quality education or peace and justice.

Click here to access the nomination form

We are inviting educators, youth/training providers, and businesses across the Bradford District to nominate those working with learners who they believe have made an outstanding contribution to improving careers technical education (CTE).

We are inviting nominations for Educators who have demonstrated an understanding of CTE provision and embedded careers learning in the curriculum. They have also shown outstanding achievement in evidencing one or more of the Gatsby Careers Benchmarks in either post 16, secondary, primary or equivalent commitment to careers related learning. (3 winners will be presented at the Awards Ceremony: Primary, Secondary and Post-16 Educator (or similar)

  • A stable careers programme 
  • Learning from career and labour market information 
  • Addressing the needs of each student
  • Linking curriculum learning to careers 
  • Encounters with employers and employees 
  • Experiences of workplaces 
  • Encounters with secondary, further and higher education 

Please include in your nomination any or all of the following which applies:

  • Awareness of SkillsHouse CTE (Curriculum Pathways/Careers IAG Service/Work Xperience)
  • Registered and actively engaged with the SKillsHouse CTE Portal
  • CTE Ambassador for Digital Badges encouraging learners to register on the Navigatr platform and accessing pathways
  • For employer nominating how they have worked in partnership with yourself in upskilling young people.

Click here to access the nomination form

This is a prestigious award that allows schools, post 16, youth/training providers and partner organisations to nominate a business or employer who has consistently supported local schools and post 16 providers, and contributed to raising aspirations among Bradford District Learners. This could be a small privately owned business or a larger company. We want to know how they have worked with your learners and the impact it has.

Organisations should be considered for the award if they have:

  • Significant contribution to an educational establishment to engage learners in a specific career field at Primary, Secondary, Post-16 or FE settings.
  • Significant contribution from a business in work based placements e.g. apprenticeships, supporting T Level Placements, traineeships, internships and work experience (face to face or virtual).
  • Describe how they’ve worked with your establishment and the impact on learners.
  • Highlight positive outcomes such as employment, traineeship, apprenticeship as a result of business contribution

Click here to access the nomination form

What should I prepare in order to submit a nomination?

The nomination form will ask you to provide the following information:

  • Your work email address
  • Your name
  • Your job title
  • Your organisation
  • Your work telephone number
  • The name of the person or Organisation you are nominating (Nominee)
  • The Nominee’s School, College or Organisation

Consider your reasons for nominating that person or organisation. You will be asked to provide an explanation as to why you are nominating that organisation or person. Your explanation should be no more than 3,500 characters.

To improve the likelihood of your nominee being selected for the award, please include practical evidence and examples of how you feel the nominee meets the awards outlined above.

You will also need to consider whether yourself and the nominee are happy for the information to be shared as part of the awards marketing campaign. You are able to opt in or out of this.

Access the nomination form here

If you would like any support in completing your nomination or request for reasonable adjustment and support to complete the nomination, please contact

Who can take part?

Businesses, Educators (Teachers, Teaching Assistants, School Governors, Home School Parents, Alternative Provisions, Careers Leaders and Advisors) Delivery/Outreach organisations and services are welcomed to nominate young people, other businesses/organisations and other Educators. Any Bradford District school / college can take part.

How will I know if my nominee has been shortlisted?

If your nomination is shortlisted for the awards you will be contacted by the CTE team with information for yourself, your nominee and your nominee’s parent or carer (where applicable) to attend the award ceremony on 7th July 2025.

Where can I seek support in completing the nomination form?

Contact and a member of the team would be happy to discuss your nomination with you.


Please fill out the details below to enquire.

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