SkillsHouse CTE

Curriculum and Pathways


The SkillsHouse CTE Curriculum and Pathways Team provide specialist curriculum consultancy enabling education providers to embed the Bradford Careers and Technical Education (CTE) Framework; the practice of teaching specific career-related skills from primary to secondary through to post-secondary education.

This is achieved by co-designing and delivering sector-based programs of learning in partnership with employers which are embedded into the education establishment's subject curriculum to develop learner's understanding and progression into high-demand sectors and occupations. As a result, technical and essential skills are developed in a sequential and timely manner.

Learners are able to explore different career pathways to gain real-world knowledge and experience needed to compete and achieve success in education and work.

CTE Learners progress through sector-based programs of learning, bringing their academic studies to life to gain industry-led credentials, and recognition of their skills and knowledge through employer approved digital skills badges. Boosting learners' engagement and exposure to professionals from different backgrounds and sectors, improving learner's employability, work-ready confidence, and providing increased opportunities to access routes into employment and progression to positive destinations.

The sectors we work with are:

  • Agriculture, Environmental and Animal Care
  • Architecture and Construction
  • Business Management
  • Creative Industries
  • Education and Training
  • Energy, Environment and Utilities Technology
  • Finance
  • Health and Social Care, Adult and Child Services
  • Health Science and Medical Technology
  • Hospitality, Tourism and Sport
  • Information Technology and Digital Services
  • Manufacturing and Engineering
  • Marketing, Sales and Service
  • Public Services and Law
  • Transport, Distribution and Logistics


CTE Leads staff will be available to visit schools during the Autumn term to develop school offers for 2023-24, which can include:

  • Reviewing your school’s curriculum and identifying relevant careers and technical education activities and opportunities to partake in.
  • Co-design and piloting Sector Program delivery in collaboration with local employers to address skills gaps.
  • Supporting your careers leaders to build effective programs of careers learning, developing evidence to support achievement of Gatsby Benchmarks and careers quality marks.
  • Understanding how your learners can engage with Cities of Learning Digital Skills Badges to accredit their learning and improve their employability.

For further information or to book a visit, please email us at